Sunday 11 November 2012

"The concept of absurdity is something I'm attracted to" — David Lynch

Sometimes I like Autumn. Especially, sunny days in the park when I can observe colourful environment of dying nature. Isn't that ironic? The nature dies at the highest point of its beauty... Then rain starts and my dream fades out. Everything becomes grey and dull, just like my academic essays about the topic I have nothing to say. Welcome to the University — creativity is left in agony, and your  misunderstanding of life strikes from the dark room of your mind.

I need a key to unlock my positive thinking I guess. And stop complaining about things that are not even important. Apparently, my Lithuanian mentality is stronger than my passion for life. And the only thing, what I would like to do now is be somewhere else. Go and travel, explore myself and my mind.

I have a feeling that I am losing my friends, people I love. Why? Is that because I have changed? Or just my hope confuses me when I keep waiting for the most important person to show up online. Though I know it will never happen...

Everyone I know goes away in the end...

But I found a perfect treatment for my misery — films with happy endings. Despite all problems the characters have to face, they still end up happily. So sentimental, but sometimes we damn need it!

And now I will drink coffee, tea, then tea and coffee... And wait until I see a bright day. Snow would help too!

Ieva, in search for optimism.

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