Friday 12 October 2012

"Happiness only real when shared" (Jon Krakauer)

Sometimes you just have to make a mistake to learn your lesson. And nothing can help with that. I am not some kind of superhero who could help my friends to change their mind. I believe I became an anti-hero (irony is my best friend). I guess I took a role of Batman; he tends to be interpreted as a good and bad guy at the same time. I need to buy a costume soon then and hide my identity!

Why do people find everything so complicated than it is? I thought we are all grown ups, but apparently we still have a kid inside screaming for vanilla ice-cream in the middle of the street. And you cannot even make him quiet because your unconscious needs are stronger than yourself.

So many times I tried question myself about the good and evil, but I eventually realised that what is better for you does not mean is better for others. So you just have to keep your opinion for yourself and drink your coffee. No sugar, please...

But I will always keep an eye on my friends. I will watch them making mistakes, but will be the first one to help them. It is just meant for us to do something wrong in lives, and that is natural. And mistakes is a natural shock therapy for us to start thinking.

I won't back down.

And I would like to thank to my lifetime (yes, we've reached a new level of friendship) friend, who has always been with me when I was making mistakes. And hopefully she will be here for ever.

Let's just not make friendships complicated, there are other things in life that bother us like whiny children everyday.

Ieva, trying to find a costume to hide her identity.


  1. Just helping you pick one out...

    Irony is my best friend too, the three of us should get together some time...ok enough of silliness.

    Just my opinion or thoughts on this. Then again if you don't like me commenting on this, time from time, then you can tell me to go have sex with my self politely speaking.

    Do agree that lessons learned the hard way tend to sink in to you the strongest. As we all have to have a share of them in our lives. Yet I cant agree with opinions. I do agree that if you are a point of influence for some one you should take in to account on what are you are saying and how it might affect some one. But then again we do learn from our selves as we do learn from others. As children we tend to stick our fingers in to a fire although parents tell as not to. And as we finally do that we realize that it hurts us. We all still retain that inner child until the day we die. But the adult part of us can learn from others there for we don't put fingers in acid since we were told that it'll burn us as well. It's a very simplified example but I thing it holds some value.

    To put it short. Opinions are welcome helps to avoid some unnecessary burns and scars in life, as long as you are not trying to force it up on some one. And as long you take responsibility for what you say.

    Some how I think that was unnecessary, but then again I have no options to sit down some where and talk with you :)

    So I'll just leave it here and RUNnnnn...

    1. Haha, thanks for your oppinion. I bet this comment is longer than the text I published!

      But the thing is that adults might try to put their hands to acid even though its said that they can't do that. And I tried to help my friend with sharing my experience and opinion, and eventually I became the worst person in the world. Sometimes you can't do anything just watch your friends making mistakes. And again, there is always a chance in your life that a mistake can turn out to be the best choice in life.

  2. I do agree with such way of thinking but only under one condition. That there are times when your opinion is needed and would be helpful and times when it might do harm or be unheard.

    And then comes the art of perceiving when and where and how to voice your opinion...

    Guess this caught my attention, due to memories of frustration when you realise that your opinion will be unheard although it could have helped to avoid some scars.
    And memories when you realise that someone was trying to help you and advice you, only you were too blind to see the wisdom those words where carrying.

    A good example would be going to bed at 12 instead of writing your opinion and acting like and old man at 2 o'clock at night when you have to work in the morning :)
